What Are The Chances...

A few days ago a blogging friend, Jan out in CA, posted this post...'I saw a challenge to re-post the 6th photo you ever posted on your blog.' Hers ended up being a picture of all the cousins arranged in birth order. We have a few of those with our cousins also. So this morning I thought it might be fun to see what picture would be my 6th picture. I smiled and then I cried a little. This is really a bitter sweet picture for me. I am re-posting the entire post and maybe you will understand.

We love it when we have house guests. Some of them are planned and then others just show up..a gift for sure. That is what happened when Sarah Beth just happened to walk in the door one day. Seems that everyone else in the family knew that she was coming. I am glad she came and I hope that she got some rest while she was here. I do know for a fact that she made a friend for life. Once Sarah Beth told Michael that she lived by some railroad tracks...he was in love. She even promised that when he came to her house she would take him to the tracks to get a spike. And that she did. We went home to help make apple butter and she was true to her promise. We have a shelf and table top full of treasures that they found on the tracks.

I love this picture now even more than I did when I took it. Michael has it on his shelf along with all the other train stuff they collected that day. What gives me goose bumps is the fact that today is Sarah Beth's 31st birthday, actually I think she was born just about this time 31 years ago. Another goose bump moment. When I think about it, I believe this was her next to last trip to see us at our house. I thought then how blessed we were and how important it was to make sure she had a good time, a restful time. I am so thankful!

I am always amazed at how God works things out. What are the chances that this would be the blog that I wrote? What are the chances that this would be the picture that would show up? What are the chances I would be posting this at about the time she was born 31 years ago? I know that these are not all by chance...we call it A God Thing.


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