Trash Pickin' Treasures Blog

I've been a busy little bee toady with this blogging stuff. Honestly, I can't get to far from the little ladies room...system is in an uproar today. So what better way to spend the day as to be on the computer and doing laundry. I'd love to be outside in the dirt but that will just have to wait for another day. AnyHoo...For all you all that love to find junk/treasures on the side of the road...and your kids call you a garbage picker...I have a new blog site for you...Trash Pickin' Treasures. Come to see what we find and then what in the world we do with it. Just trying to do our part to make the world a little greener, one yard at at time. This should be fun!


Jan said…
Jan, is this another new blog?!?! The link didn't work, so I can't go see it.

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