Withrow Nautre Preserve

This morning Emmy asked if we could do something fun for day-after-her-birthday-day. Sure why not, Mark was off and we had Grace. We decided that we needed to hurry to Withrow Nature Preserve because they were calling for thunderstorms starting in the afternoon. So we had two hours to get in as much hiking as we could. I have decided that it is a lot more fun to walk now that before,.. We can actually name some of the plants that we see. Mark is a lot better than I am. And if he doesn't know the names he just makes them up...and they sound reasonable most of the time. So come take our hike with us...and see what we saw.
several different plants in one shot

our trial and fearless leader

Grace being swang, swung...swinging

a ball of seeds

a river view

my red tailed hawk

some purple flower

mystery flower

May apple

lavendar flower

my hiking buddy

Grace's first taste of honeysuckle

happy hikers

Emmy's photo challenge

Emmy and Grace strolling

buckeye blossoms


Robin said…
What a beautiful spot, how lucky you are to live nearby.

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