Taking Time

I have decided to try to restructure my time around here. Need to split my time between house chores, family fun, lovin' on babies, quilting, reading and gardening. I think that is all! Today I took time to finish a book that Betsy let me borrow. There are four different stories contained in this one book. Nice and convenient. And I didn't even have to go to the library to get it and I could take my good old sweet time reading it...which I did for sure. All the stories in the book are set in NC. The place of my dreams...the mountains and the beaches.

The book that I have started this morning was The Christmas Cookie Club. I won it from a blogging friend in CA, Jan. She has a book giveaway on Mondays. I have been lucky enough to receive several from her. All of which have been good. Check out her blog...maybe you too could be a winner! So now after reading the first chapter 1 think I might want to find 12 ladies who would like to have a Christmas Cookie Club with me.


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