Surprise Visit

Today around noon we got a phone call from my Aunt Dora (I have always called her Aunt Dory). "Surprise we are coming to visit you."
Everybody says the older I get the more I look like her...what do you think? And then there are he cousins...
I haven't seen them for two years. Bo never changes but Mike changes his appearance by the length of his hair and beard. It was fun to see them. They surely go to see me at my best. Mark, Little Ms M and I had just gotten back from picking up a load of know FreeCycle. It was good to see them. wish they could have stayed longer...maybe next time. They loaded back up in the van and headed for NC.


Jan said…
I can see the resemblance.
The Oakes said…
Yeah, I always think you look like her. You should find a picture of her when she was your age and compare that.

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