Pintsize Gardening Fever

The pick-up was loaded down with fresh mulch...still steaming.  It was a  little chilly, so when you come in your pj's all warm and wrapped in your blanket, sometimes...but don't let Michael have to borrow a sweatshirt.  Doodles loves to be outside.  And so do I, so we make a pretty good gardening team.  The only problem is that sometimes she wants to garden in different areas than what I have planned to work in.  Sometimes it can be a  little tricky.  But we have it all figured out.  While one adult is dumping mulch in the flower bed the other watches to make sure our littlest gardener is doing okay.  Then we switch off and the other responsible adult goes and spreads the mulch while the first adult plays.  So far so good.  But I am thinking our gardening days might be numbered because we will be outnumbered by little people in a few weeks 3:2.  I'm thinking gardening might not happen until nap time or after 4PM.

See, I told you that everyone is involved.  Doodles has her own pink shovel and a green plastic watering can.  She thinks they are pretty cool.  She carries them around all day long.  And if I am digging so is she.  I try not to water when she is around...who knows what might happen if she figures out how to turn on the hose!

She doesn't care...just carries away.  Sometimes I find lots of little rocks in her watering can.  Hard work all morning  tends to lead to an early lunch and a great afternoon nap.


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