Newport Aquarium

Michael decided that Emmy would love to go to the Newport Aquarium for her birthday. Actually, he knew that he wanted to gt her a special penguin for her birthday and he just knew for positive that they had them. We had already talked about going to the Zoo but if it was raining we would go to the Aquarium. So as his luck would have ti...rain in the forecast. We had three little girls with us...Emmy's former Nanny kids...Katie, Libby and Grace. They got to spend the weekend with us to help celebrate Emmy's birthday. There were so may interesting animals and just not enough time or space to show you all the pic we took. So I chose seven of my favorite ones to share.

Grace touching sea stars and Libby watching

shark ray named Sweet Pea

having a little $2 snack

what I came to see

Michael and Libby finally getting to pet a shark

Libby wanted so badly to touch the black shark

Michael has told everyone two things that he learned while at the Aquarium...sharks loose about 3,000 teeth in their lifetime. Sharks don't eat people...we taste like lemons. And Scooter and Sweet Pea are shark rays and they hope they will have babies someday. He reads everything that was even written and posted for you to read. Just like his Dad!


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