Luke Simon Memorial Ride

I have been working on some special quilts for awhile. A friend of a friend of a friend was given my name and told that I make t-shirt quilts. And yes in deedie, I sure do. I love making them! Maybe I should go into the t-shirt quilt making business someday when I have an extra minute or two....Last weekend I delivered two Harley-Davidson t-shirt quilts for the
Luke Simon Memorial Ride that is going to be held in Huntington on May 22. Be sure to click on the website and read about some wonderful things that have happened to help families in need.

Quilt number one...

The back to one of the quilts with a larger t-shirt inlay.

Quilt number two

I can definitely say that a lot of people helped round up all these t-shirts. We have them from Hawaii, Vegas, New Orleans, Thailand, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, Virginia...word was sent out over FaceBook and by emails to family and friends everywhere. Donations were made to help buy the fabric and backing I say thank you to everyone who helped put these together...we did good!


Jan said…
Jan, these are just great.

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