Look Who Dropped In Today

And what a special day it has been. Doodles, Mark and I worked in the yard all morning.  I am hoping that Doodles' Mom can gt the dirt and grime out of her clothes.  He played hard.  And we even did a little work.  We reworked the ring of rocks around the fire pit, weeded three flower beds, transplanted flowers to every corner of the yard, mulched two and a half flower beds and got one of the fountains working.  I've got the sore muscles and sunburn to prove I worked hard.  Around eleven, special cargo came in a van...Julie, Allyson and Carter  (Tarter as Allyson calls him). I really don't know who was the most excited.

The girls picked up right where they left off. The played with all the toys like they were brand new. We played outside on the swings and just smiles everywhere.                        Carter was a trooper. He listened to the girls playing and every once in awhile he would wince whenever he thought something was coming his way...something tells me that he better get used to that. He is such the little peanut. Eight pounds and something already. He is really long with extra long fingers and big toes. Pretty blue eyes and just fits perfectly right in my arms....I always knew he would. In three weeks Julie has to go back to work and I will get to have a baby in the house once again.  I've said it before....Life is Good!
Allyson looks so much older. She has a ponytail on top and everything. I know that she has gotten lots taller. And talks a blue streak! It is going to be really interesting when they all are here. We will just have to come up with a plan and schedule that works for everyone. I can't wait. I have the days marked on the calendar. Looking forward to all the fun we will have. And I can imagine that I will be going to be the minute Michael gets in his bed. But it will be a good worn out! The best kind!


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