A Little Bump In The Road

Each day after school while Michael is doing homework I check his plan book to make sure we get everything finished and then I sign my name. I noticed this today...

This was the email I sent her in response to her note...

Thank you for the note about Michael not wanting to share today. We had some quality time in the car this evening and we discussed his actions in Science class today. It is my understanding that he was to draw and then share his drawing with the rest of the class. I can understand his unwillingness and he doesn't like crowds or attention being drawn to him but I also thank you for holding him accountable for his actions. I can't tell you how many years we have been working on just this part of his social development. Believe it or not, he is doing much, much better than in years past. You should be getting an apology note from his tomorrow. Please let me know when you receive the note.

And this is what Michael will deliver to her first thing tomorrow morning...


Anonymous said…
I think he deserves a whole day in the paper closet. Did you have house guests this Sunday? I heard they brought some pooches with them. Did you take any pictures?
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Yes Bryce, oops, I mean Anonymous, we did have house guests but I only got one good picture of Parker and it is on the blog if you will check back to the date on Sunday. I guess next time we have house guests I will have to whip out the old camera a little sooner and get shots of everyone.

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