A Little Bit of A Problem

What a great morning we had. Little Ms M helped us work in the yard. She got to ride in the rock wagon from the front yard to the back yard. She even helped unload the rocks. I think in the shot she had just about had enough and was telling me that she was ready for lunch. Nap time went well. I got to weed a bed, almost finish a book while sitting in the sun while having my all time favorite mid-day snack...pistachios in the shell...finished a load of laundry, read the mail, talked on the phone...all those things that are a little bit challenging when you have little ones that need your undivided attention. After nap time Little Ms M came back outside to play in a little thingy with no pants or leggings. The weather was beautiful...time to tan those little legs. I loaded her up with sunscreen and off we went to play. I didn't notice but she picked up the cup that had my shells in it (I had already emptied it out in the trash can but had not rinsed out the cup. Not a second thought). She picked it up to put rocks in and headed for the pea gravel around the fire pit. In about no more than two minutes...the time it takes to walk from the garage to the fire pit...she had broken out, turned red and splotchy and started to swell. Her lip looked like she had been stung by a bee. The tip of her nose was a red as a beet. Her little eye was a red slit and she was splotchy all the way across her forehead, cheek and into her hair. I took her in and washed her face off really good and looked for other places...nothing. No wheezing, coughing, nothing else. (This shot was taken way after washing her face and applying ice) I called her parents to see if she had ever had a reaction to her sunscreen. Nope. But her Dad reminded me that one other time they thought she had a reaction just like this. So no more pistachios for Wammy's snack while Little Ms M is around. She really looks so much better in this pic that she actually did. Her little face was as read as her outfit.


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