Friday's Work Day

Mark had the day off Friday so we decided to tackle one of the flower beds that have been giving us so much 'stress'...the bed on Bill and Kay's side of the yard. Half of the bed is devoted to growing vegetables in four raised beds and the other half a huge out of control flower bed. Usually Marli goes to one of her grandma's houses on Friday, but this Friday she got to stay and play with us. And play....from 8:30AM to lunch and then after her afternoon nap. So she played all day long. Now what to do with her while we are working on the make a portable sand box out of a wagon that you can cart all over the yard. She had a ball! Mark and I would take turns resting and watching her while the other person weeded and did whatever. Our system worked out great. At one point I would gladly watch her to get out of the back breaking work of bending over and shoveling the weeds...back breaking I tell you, back breaking. I need to report that I wore long pants and long sleeves until it got 80 degrees in the hot sun. And today I am paying for it with bug bites that are as big a golf balls on my arms. And man, do they itch! Don't you just love that little white picket fence? When I sent Mark to pick it up, he was a little upset thinking we would never find a place to use it. Oh yea of little faith.
This could possibly be the last year for the little rusty wagon. Half of the bottom has rusted thru. So I guess I am on the lookout for a new slightly used one...
So this is what part of the bed looked like before the makeover. Lots of great clover and wonderful dandelions. Some poison ivy and lots of weeds that looks pretty but are weeds. The rocks in the bottom shot are from free of Emmy's friends took out a rock wall and needed to get rid of the rocks because they are trying to sell their house. Yes, mam, thank you very much I will take them. We only need about three more truck loads to finish that little project. The large rocks are hopefully going to help us keep out the vinca vine. If you don't keep it in check, it takes over everything. I am seeing black-eyed Susan vine climbing up the fence. And maybe some morning glories on the little bit of shade made int he vegetable garden bu the screen structure.
If we keep having the kind of weather we have been having...warm days and night with a little rain mixed in...that bed of iris is going to be beautiful for Sarah's Graduation Party. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
The little brick wall still needs a little TLC. So the plan is to talk to Cookie at the race on Sat and see when they are taking out the new rock wall. I wonder if we were a few years younger if we cold have made it remaking backyards. I think it would be fun but this old body doesn't last as long during the day as it used to.


Kathy said…
love that iris BED! neat idea

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