The Bug Man

Last night Michael, Emmy and I went to school to see the Bug Guy. He is from Columbus, OH and had a very interesting presentation for all of us. Little did we know what we were in for.
We saw praying mantis...
scorpion spiders...
a huge tarantula...But the best (worst) part of the night was the cooking..with bugs. YUCK!!! The kids thought it was the coolest thing...every kid except Michael.
This is Michael's brave friend William. He came over to share his dish with Michael...but NO WAY ON GOD"S GREEN EARTH AS HE GOING TO EAT THAT STUFF.

The dish he is trying was corn, onions, browned mustard seeds and crickets! Just little crickets that had been frozen, washed, and seasoned with butter and pepper and a little Half and Half...yum!  So now it was Emmy's turn.

The litle girls in front of us had a huge blueberry wax worm pancake. It smelled delicious and looked like a regular blueberry pancake....
that is until you opened it. My stomach did a giant flipflop. Michael was so disgused that he wouldn't sit by her anymore. I thought he was going to throw up.

I can imagine the next time that The Bug Man shows up at school, our seats will be empty!


Jan said…
I don't mind bugs, in fact I've held a huge tarantula, too. I just don't like them invading my home, and I, too, will pass on eating them. Emmy's photo is great!
leigh ann said…
i LOVE emmy's pic. the pancake is so roast beef and brie was waaaaay better lookin.

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