Zoo By Day, Bowling By Night

Michael sure has had a full day of it today...All day at the zoo with his class and five very brave parent volunteers. Then tonight we bowled for two hours. The zoo was great. First thing he told me tonight even before he took off his backpack..."I said hello to the gorillas for you Mom. They were so funny all they did was turn around and show us their b----." He thought that was just the funniest thing he had ever seen. They didn't get to see the manatees or ride the train. I promised this summer we would go back and he was okay with that. Yea! Now I have a zoo buddy. Life is good.

Free pizza and drinks...Michael thought he had dies and gone to heaven. And no one told he that he couldn't have more. I must confess I did have one of the smallest corner pieces. And boy oh boy was it ever the best thing I have had to eat in awhile.It was Moms verses sons. We had lanes 11 and 12. Seems our lane needed lots of TLC. It kept breaking so we didn't get in our two games. Oh Darn! The first game Michael came in third with an 85. I had a grand score of 88. That's okay because those three pins really count.

Michael has his own way of bowling that is for sure! And he calculates the angels before he throws. We were using bumpers. After watching him a few times I decided that his idea was pretty good. Once I started hitting the bumpers at angels, my score was better. We ran out of time to finish the second game. That's okay, Michael was wiped out! No shower tonight. He will have to jump in first thing in the morning. And I am not looking forward to that, nope...not so much.


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