Bitter Sweet Week

I was able to spend the week with the Napier's and extended family helping out anywhere I could. We told stories on each other. Met cousins we had never met. Got reacquainted with old friends. I even got to visit with kids I had in preschool. We laughed and we certainly did some crying. But we all agreed that Sarah Beth would have so loved it all. I felt kinda funny carrying around my camera and felt really self conscious taking pics. Here are just a few of the moments that made us smile.I thought this about summed up everything.

We got to send LoveYourGuts messages to the sky at the cemetery. It was beautiful against the almost 90 degree blue sky.

Some special little people wanted to send Sarah Beth a note.

Bryce found a new friend in Judah. All he wanted to do when I held him was throw up!

Mark getting a little baby practice in before he becomes a new Daddy in about a month.

MY BOY! I think they might be getting married in a few years.

I just realized ....two sets of twins.

Sarah Beth's dog, Ella Mae, with one of those new cousins I mentioned before.

If you haven't done it already, please go to LoveYourGuts and read about a warrior like no other. Sarah Beth's legacy will live on for years to come.


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