Awesome Day on The River

We could not have asked for a better day today. The weather was perfect for walking the rocks on the river...looking for just the perfect ones to 'plant' in the garage side flower bed. Michael wasn't to thrilled with the idea in the beginning. But once we got there and we let him wade in the was the greatest thing in the world!Then a family of kayakers came down the river and Michael started making plans for our big trip. He says that he almost has enough money saved up to rent his own kayak this year. He loves being on the water. We already talked about what we are going to pack in our big red lunchbox and even a list of people that we want to ask to go with us. Then on the round about way home...we were checking out the usual deer and turkey spot when we saw these two brown spots and one black blob. We pulled over and put on the flashers...I gave the camera to Emmy and had her zoom as far as she could. COYOTES! Two of them! Not to far from the house. Better keep Ella on a short leash. I am going to promise myself that every time I get into car, my complete camera bag will be with me. I wish I had my other lens with me. Maybe tomorrow I will catch them out again.


Jan said…
Around here, I tell people who let their animals run loose, that they're providing coyote food. Usually dogs are leashed, but it's the cats that worry me.

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