31 Years Ago

I wanted so badly to post embarrassing pictures of Cassie and Emmy on the blog today. I haven't found just the right ones yet. But I didn't want this day to pass and not say something about their birthday. I can tell you that Cassie was born at 12:56AM weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces and Emmy at 12:58AM weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces. They were due on March 28. Finally the doctor decided that they should do an x-ray of my pelvis to see if I was going to be able to have this "big boy". Back in the day there was nothing called an ultrasound. The x-ray showed two babies, two big babies. At 4AM I had my first and only labor pain. After several hours of pushing and Cassie trying so hard to come into this world, the doctor decided to do a C-section. And the rest is history. So happy birthday girls. I hope you had the best birthdays ever.


The Oakes said…
Seriously, I never knew that they actually let you push for a while.
emmy said…
Yeah she just put that in there to make her look strong. I am pretty sure she was probably just yelling GET THEM OUT!!!!!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Nope, Em I got that special shot in you back that numbs you from you chin to your toes and I didn't feel a think for three days...seriously!

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