Yep, He's Mine Alright

Michael hurried off the bus yesterday and was yelling something to me as he was running up the driveway. 'Mom, I gotta follow my schedule. It's in my book bag.' Okay, I'm thinking they are going to do something special in school and the day has been rearranged. I ask a simple question and got. 'just look in my backpack, it is in my plan book.' I dig it out and this is what I find...I must explain #1. Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. Michael refused to wear anything green...not even underwear. That's all stupid, according the him. (but today he wore the green pants I wanted him to wear yesterday.) He didn't care about the dumb prize, 'it's probably lame anyway.' He ended up getting a pencil but he gave it to Luke on the way home on the bus. Ah, this kid cracks me up!

(Papaw, click on the picture to make it bigger)


Anonymous said…
that is your kid for sure..

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