'The Worst Extreme'

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
sarah beth napier is a fighter. more than that, she is a warrior. this isn't new information, of course, we've known that for a long time. but she proves it over and over and over again, day in and day out. her body continues to weaken but her spirit is strong. she had a better night last night, and slept the majority of the day today. but once again, God poured some extra grace down on us and gave us more sarah beth time with her eyes open and following us. how many "one more time" moments are we allowed? we are able to tell her of our love for her, and although she isn't using her voice anymore, she has become a master of nonverbal communication. she has been using just a few facial expressions, one of which is a definite "i love you too" blink. and we cherish each effort she makes. as much of a family person as sarah is, it has to be incredibly frustrating for her to be so limited in communicating with us. but once again she's looking a limitation in the face and daring it to stop her. no way to know how many more of these times we will have with her, or if there will be any more at all. but i can speak for us all in saying we know they come from God and we are grateful for what He's given. His love never fails, never leaves, always provides.when sarah beth blinked the "i love you too" my way today, i was thinking of how much i miss her voice. i've been remembering hearing her sing, and thought of a song that i've loved hearing from her in recent years. it's a song she loves, called "the love of the Lord endures", by joy williams.

In all that I have found Your evidence abounds

I’ve always sensed Your fingerprints

If I just look around

And yet this grand display

Will all soon pass away

So I hold on to the mighty truth

That Your love is here to stay

The love of the Lord endures

The love of the Lord endures

If there’s one thing I can be sure

It’s that the love of the Lord endures

Life has let me down
In wealth, joy can’t be found

I’ve searched for peace in all of these

But I have always found

The love of the Lord endures

The love of the Lord endures

If there’s one thing I can be sure

It’s that the love of the Lord endures

When I stumble
When I fall

When I’m walking ten feet tall

Your love is there day after day

Even at the worst extreme

Or after I have been redeemed

Your love is there

And it won’t let me go

The love of the Lord endures

The love of the Lord endures

If there’s one thing I can be sure

It’s that the love of the Lord endures

Forever, forever

maybe another reason that it's in my mind is because we really are at what is, in our human minds, "the worst extreme". how beautiful to know the Lord's love is never ending. never. it endures forever. and we can trust His love. He will not let us go. He will not let sarah beth go. we are His. and we pray that you are His, too.thank you for continuing to lift sarah beth up to the Lord in prayer. and thank you for your prayers for our family. i can't over-express how much we value your devotion to this.

thank you so much.

leigh ann


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