Faith, Hope, and Lots of Love

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
today for sarah beth was, again, much like yesterday. lots of sleeping, some anxious tears, some whispers to family and friends nearby. julie and hutch brought their babies in to see her for just a few minutes and she was able to see their smiles, hear their laughter and watch the twins' new crawling skills. we knew that this had to be giving her so much joy, even though her facial expressions aren't really able to show that now. she also loves being able to have her little dog, ella, with her. (and ella loves having her choice of people to play with.)we have received many responses to our request to hear from you about how sarah and her journey have impacted your lives. mark and kathleen read several of the emails to her today - it means so much to them and to sarah. kathleen said she knew sarah was following along listening as she read to her because kathleen came upon "btw" and said she didn't know what that meant. sarah whispered, "by the way.." thank you to those who have brought comfort and encouragement through your emails today. in april 2007, sarah beth posted this:

"Have you ever felt like you were walking into the next phase of your life blindfolded, not knowing what lies ahead, but knowing that God has a plan? "Faith" is one of those words that is heard and spoken about quite frequently in Christianity. What is faith? Before I attempt to answer that question, I must admit that I have hesitated to write on here because I see that there are a number of people who read my entries. I am thankful that I have this platform to share my story with others out there, but very aware that it is only because of God that this website exists. Therefore, I have been convicted to use this website to not only share my story, but to use this as a tool to minister to anyone out there who feels "empty" or "lost"."

she's done what she knew she was supposed to with this website. and she's demonstrated great faith. continues, even today, doing so.mark and kathleen want to continue to thank you for praying. it really is comforting and strength-giving to know that all day, every day, someone somewhere is praying. and we have no doubt that that is what's happening

thank you from all of us,
leigh ann


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