Trying to Keep Busy

My mind wonders to WV a lot and to all the people and things going on there almost constantly. I wish so badly I could be there to help and give support. I find myself with lots of anxious energy. So today I tried to keep as busy as I could. Little Ms M and I had a great day...we played in the "Kid Cave" as Cassie puts it, we play hide and go seek upstairs, we hid Easter eggs, chased Ella, watch the birds, she took a big morning nap, I quilted the Harley-Davidson t-shirt quilts (almost ready for the handwork), we played outside, we waited for Michael and Luke to get off the bus...a full day with her for sure.
How about that hair bow? She loves it so much that we have to put it on about every 20 seconds. Finally I get to have a turn and wear it to hold my bangs back. She thinks that is so funny. And what a big girl. We are practicing using the spoon. She is usually pretty neat about it. Ella isn't too happy about that...not to many things end up on the floor anymore. Maybe she (Ella) will lose some of those extra pounds she has packed on.

Let me just tell you that this little girl can ride a mean green tractor. She was decked out today with her pink hat and vest. She was a colorful one all the way around. Not too happy here, she just wrecked on the tractor and ended up pinning her hand under the steering wheel. But things were better once Wammy kissed the boo-boo away.

Some new plants that have come to our little Spring Party.

This is at the end of the driveway. It has survived all the clueless backwards drivers that have torn up the sides of the driveway. Tomorrow if it is warm there will be flowers covering each branch of the bush.

These are the brightest little ground cover leaves. I think it is some sort of sedum but I'm not positive about that. Mark will know, I'll have to ask him.

more daffodils

So close but still so far away. If you need me tonight...I'll be right here sewing, sewing and more sewing.


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