This Makes Me Smile

Thursday, March 11, 2010

sarah beth was awake and talking again this
evening when we were able to be there. kathleen
said she'd been awake a good bit today. one of the
highlights of her day was being able to get
outside. when julia, uncle dale & aunt martha were
there with sarah and mark & kate, they opened the
doors to her little porch and wheeled her out
there in her bed. she was able to breathe in some
fresh air, and see the river and the bridge. i
wish i knew how to post pictures on here, i'd
share the one mark took of her while she was out
there. she looked glad to be out there - and the
faces of those watching her were beaming.

i reminded her again of the prayers that are
constantly being lifted up on her behalf. i tell
her the whole world is praying for her, because
honestly so many people are letting us know of
their prayers that sometimes it's hard to keep
track. what a wonderful predicament!

when my boys and i were walking down the hall from
her room to leave this evening, i asked them if
they were taking this all in - if they were
remembering to appreciate each moment with sarah
beth. if they are realizing that each time we see
her that she is awake and can see us and know us,
talk to us and smile at us - each of these times
is a gift from God. they said "YES!" before i even
was finished speaking. it's a good lesson to
learn, cherish the moments we have
with the people that mean so much to us. and not
to wait. life brings hardships. time flies.

i know that i can speak for more than just myself
when i say that i believe the way God has used and
continues to use sarah beth is astounding. mind-
boggling, even. she is His willing servant and
continues to walk through this painful journey
with strong, absolutely huge faith. the way He can
work His will and accomplish His plans through one
young woman, now confined to a bed in a body that
continues to weaken is miraculous. lives are being
touched and faith is being strengthened in so
many. God is able.

thank you, again and again, for your prayers and
for the ways you show love to sarah beth and our

leigh ann

2 Corinthians 9:8-11 (The Message)
God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways
so that you're ready for anything and everything,
more than just ready to do what needs to be done.
As one psalmist puts it,
He throws caution to the winds,
giving to the needy in reckless abandon.
His right-living, right-giving ways
never run out, never wear out.
This most generous God who gives seed to the
farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more
than extravagant with you. He gives you something
you can then give away, which grows into full-
formed lives, robust in God, wealthy in every way,
so that you can be generous in every way,
producing with us great praise to God.


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