Teresa, Funny You Should Ask...

I love magazines like Country Living that share ideas and DIY projects. Just about every month I find something that we can tackle for the yard...sometimes even in the house. This month I am drooling over this terrarium made from old photo frames. I am looking for a total of eight frames (four 5X7's, two 8X10's and two 11X14's. I don't care what shape they are in and I don't even care what color they are because we will be antiquing them with some special paint that we used when we refinished the ceiling tiles for the wall. I know exactly where I am going to put the finished product...right in the center of the table under the pergola. You know that we have to have everything looking especially wonderful...there is a big graduation party scheduled for Sarah at the end of May or the beginning of June. So if you have any or know of anywhere that I can find some, please let me know. I plan to write a post on FreeCycle and Craigslist also. Wish me luck!


Let me scrounge around. I think I have some I would be happy to part with.

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