SOOC Sunday

A face only a mother could love. And then there are those days that I am wishing she might just take along walk down the road and forget where she came from. I know that sounds terrible, but some days she is enough to drive the entire neighborhood crazy. Our little Ella Bella Beagle. Now if you ask Michael, he can tell you all about beagle...he did the research. Luke helped me get her attention so I could take her picture one day after school. Thanks Buddy.

Want to checkout some other SOOC shots got see Jan at Murrietta365. It is simple to join...just take a far tweaking it (you can crop) and post it. Simple, even I can do it. But you have to go to MrLinky at her blog to make sure everyone gets a chance to see and comment on your photos.


Jan said…
Jan, she is so cute. We have friends who always rescue beagles, just like people, they're all different.
Gemma Wiseman said…
The look on her face is so adorable! Almost like a question!
wenn said…
cute innocent face!
Anonymous said…
Very cute face. Seems very kind.
Judy said…
Oh, she's so cute. That is a face anyone would love.
Anonymous said…
This mother loves that face! In my opinion, there is no cuter dog than a beagle. Love the look on her face.
EG CameraGirl said…
She looks so adorable that it's hard to believe she might have an annoying side to her personality! :-)
Sherrie said…
She's beautiful! She also looks very intelligent. Have a great day!

A View of My Life
Johnny Nutcase said…
aw, Ella Bella is adorable, what a cute picture with the tilted head, so sweet :)

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