Saturday, March 27, 2010

there really is not much new to share with you tonight. today was very much like yesterday for sarah beth. she continues to have long periods of apnea and short periods of breathing. she slept quietly again today, very little agitation or sign of discomfort. mark and kathleen, jason and jeremy are resting when they are able. our family spends the time together, much of it at sarah's bedside. her body is worn out. it is doing a lot of work to keep her here. we may never know all of the reasons why God is letting her linger as she is. we may never know ANY of the reasons. but as i've said before, and as sarah beth has said before, we don't have to know all the answers to be able to trust God in this situation. in any situation, for that matter. it comes down to faith. can we believe in God to be working out all things as they are supposed to be? can we trust that He loves us and is constantly with us - that He's not distant, that He doesn't just peek in on us every now and then to make sure things are moving along okay? our experience with Him says we can. and we are. life brings a lot our way - to our family, to your family, to all of us as individuals. it can be exhausting. part of the beauty of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is not having to be alone in it all. He stays in it with us. that's the promise we have. not that things will be easy or that horrible situations won't touch us, but that He will be there in the thick of it with us."The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (deuteronomy 31:8)

from sarah beth, april 20, 2007"So, what is faith? Faith is believing in the unknown, trusting in what you can't see. Hebrews 11:6 says "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." To put it simply: Faith pleases God. Some of you reading this might not have a relationship with God at all. Some of you may have heard of God and acknowledge that He exists, but haven't made the relationship personal. Some of you may have accepted Jesus, but have not made the relationship personal. Some of you may be walking with Jesus and living your life for Him. All circumstances require fatih. If you don't know who God is, I encourage you to take a step of faith and start seeking Him. You might be reading this and have been experiencing inner turmoil, or have been having this tug at your heart that something is missing. I beg you to take a step of faith and pray...asking God to reveal to you who He is and why you were created. I can promise you that if you seek Him with all your heart He will reveal Himself

thank you, as always, for lifting sarah beth up to God in prayer. thank you for all of the ways you are showing support to our family.we are praying for you, too. in particular those of you who may be sensing that God is after your heart.

with our love,

leigh ann


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