It's The Small Things

Saturday, March 20, 2010
sarah beth spent most of today asleep. she seems to be relaxed and comfortable except for an occasional sign that she is feeling some pain, which is answered with help from a smaller, extra dose from her pain medicine pump. mark and kathleen were able to get a little bit of much needed rest today, which is a blessing for them and for the rest of us, who are concerned over the minimal sleep they are able to get. our family continues to stay with sarah beth, if not at her bedside, we are somewhere near. her visitors are being kept to family only, in an effort to keep her surroundings as peaceful as possible. she truly does deserve the calm. she has fought this cancer for a long time, continues to fight daily - she is working hard - and this is the very least we can do for her.for a brief time tonight, she opened her eyes again. this has to be a huge effort for her. and i will tell you, it is not without reward - it brings the room to life! we talk to her and touch her while she is sleeping, hoping she will hear. but when she's awake, we make sure to tell her what we need to say. we remind her that we love her, of how brave she is, of how many are praying for her. so many things. she is unable to reply with her words, which has to be unbelievably frustrating to her, but she is still able to give us a blink or a raised eyebrow. she's in there. and we are so thrilled and aware of the blessing of these moments.sarah beth's dear friend lorri reminded us of a post from sarah in the spring 2 years ago. i want to share that here for you to see. (thank you lorri!)

"When I start to think about all those in the Bible who suffered for and in the name of Jesus, it also helps to reshape my thinking. Sometimes it's hard to transform your mind, but Scripture calls for us to do just that. Ultimately I don't care what happens to my flesh, because my flesh is only temporary, but my soul will live forever. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though it's getting harder, I don't want to give up. I will keep fighting and hopefully my life will be a reflection of the One whose heart I desire the most."

it has been, and it still is, sweet girl.

thank you for holding us all in prayer

leigh ann


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