Ruby Tuesday #2

Our challenge this RubyTues is to find a picture that announces Spring...

I had to put on my boots and take an umbrella with me in search of something red that would represent spring. I was having a tough time...the weather and Mother Nature haven' been cooperating with spring to well here in Ohio. Way back in the corner of the backyard I found this twig. It is about as tall as I am. I have no idea where it came from or even what it is. Can't remember it from last it will be a big surprise. I think it is about the only thing living in the yard that has red on it.

If you would like to see what everyone else here.


❀~Myrna~❀ said…
Great Ruby Spring Pic !
Sandy Trefger said…
Uh oh! I can only see the left edge of your photo. It's like off the page. I'll check back later.

My Ruby Tuesday
Jan AKA Wammy said…
I just checked it from two computer...looks okay to me...right where I put it earlier. Sorry.

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