Round Robin Photo Challenge

I'm trying to get back into the swing of participating in the Photo Challenges that are so fun. So today Carly's suggestion from 2008 caught my eye. Instructions...The idea is to get in your car, or if you prefer a bike or your own two feet, and show us something in any direction you choose, up to 5 miles from your home. For a little added fun, tell us when you sign up for the challenge, in which direction you plan to go. Let's see which direction gets the most attention. Thanks Karen for choosing this topic. I can't wait to see what direction everyone else went and what they found. Join us by clicking here.

I had to wait until after to dinner to jump in the car. Off I went in a cloud of dust, headed east to regions unknown. Well actually, I knew when I was headed...towards the elementary school. I was hoping that the Nature Trail would be within the 5 miles limit. Success...4.5 miles. According to the guide 'The Meadowview Nature Trail is located mainly in a wetland area. Wetlands are land or areas containing much moist soil. Many varieties of flora and fauna can be found here.' I wanted so much walk across this bridge but my crocs weren't quiet the right type of shoe to hike in. I have already decided that we need to come back here once the weather changes. There is a really nice path and lots of info listed on the Nature Guide.
Thanks for making me branch out.


ellen b said…
Oh how nice to have this so close to home. I love walking trails like that with my camera. Have a great weekend...
Sherrie said…
That's a beautiful 5 miles away. Looks like the flowers are starting to pop up. Have a great day!

Sherrie's Stuff
Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

Bridges are a favorite subject of mine, and I bet this little bridge would be great to photograph during each of the seasons, but you know I would be there all the time in autumn. :) Great choice for this challenge. :)

Sandy Trefger said…
Very nice! It looks like a wonderful nature trail.
Anonymous said…
Better don your sneakers or hiking boots and get out there - looks like a great place to enjoy nature and take pictures.
I said in my comment to Peggy that her photos reminded me of Manlius, Y. Yours remind me of Columbus, Ohio. (I wonder why!) There was a park a few miles north of the records store I worked at in the early 1980s; I used to go out there all the time. Yes, please do check this nature trail out again with warmer weather and sensible shoes, and report back!
Jama said…
What a nice trail to walk around!

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