Quiet Moments

Sunday, March 14, 2010

sunday was not entirely different from saturday. sarah beth slept much of the day. there were some times when she opened up those eyes and we could talk to her a little. she talks to us, in such soft whispers much of the time. it isn't always easy to understand what she is saying but we hang on every word. she had a few periods of agitation - emotional at times, with tears. and not wanting to be moved because it causes her pain. her pain meds were increased again. she spent the day surrounded (quietly) by family, as it has been. toward day's end we gathered around her bed to be close to her, and used that time to speak comfort to her, to sing, to pray, and to read to her from the Bible - some of her most loved passages and some of ours as they came to mind. as usual, with this family, we had tears and we had laughter. all of these things combine to comfort sarah beth. and the rest of us.i asked mark and kate if there was anything in particular they wanted for me to relay to you who keep up with sarah beth's journey and have been praying. they want to thank you for your prayers, and ask that you would please continue. there is amazing power in prayer - prayer is not just words that disappear into the air as soon as they're spoken. God hears. not only hears but listens and answers. some people say that prayers sometimes go unanswered because the answer wasn't "yes." i don't believe that. i just think that sometimes the answer is "wait."...or "no, child." we are all trusting in the Lord to continue to do what is best. His answers in His time.each time we thank you for the time you take to pray for sarah beth, please know that we mean it with our whole hearts. and that the gratitude comes from each of us, including sarah beth.
From sarah on loveyourguts, may 20 2009
I'm learning that even though I have NO clue what is the next step for me, I will forever be grateful for the MANY blessings and just beautiful people He has surrounded me with. So, many thanks for all of you out there that support me in the name of Jesus. I believe that God has performed many miracles in my life and until He chooses my last breath, I will do my best to serve Him wholeheartedly.
thank you for loving sarah b.
leigh ann


praying for sarah beth, your family and ALL of her friends. remembering the weekends we would come to your house during our AC days and she would be there, always lighting up the room with her smile! love to you all.

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