Precious Times

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

sarah beth had a pretty good day yesterday. still
confused at times but also some times when she
really seemed "there". her eyes were brighter and
she seemed to be a little more alert. i've been
anxious to relate one thing that she said to me
yesterday. she whispered, "would you...would you
please ask people at church to pray?" ...i just
think this was such a precious, humble request for
her to make. i assured her that people at church
and people so many other places, even people she's
never met are praying for her. (thank you for
being some of those people!) i told her i'm
praying for her and she said, "i'm praying for
you, too." honestly, it wouldn't surprise me a

she was sleeping when i got to her room today.
kathleen said it had been an emotional day so far
for sarah. she'd also needed to have her pain med
increased again. she woke up while we were there,
so we were privileged to have a few little
conversations, pray together, see some smiles,
give and get some "i love you"'s and even an "i
love your guts" from her. =)

a little funny thing to share: jason was giving
(or trying to give) sarah a few bites of mashed
potatoes, teasing her by doing the old airplane
trick to try to get her to open up. (complete with
airplane noises.) sarah wasn't interested and did
some funny little thing with her hand while making
a sound as though she was shooting down jason's
plane. SO FUNNY. cracked us all up!

thank you again for your prayers for sarah beth.
please continue also in lifting up mark and
kathleen, jeremy and jason.

we ALL love your guts,
leigh ann


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