New Friends

Emmy has some friends, (they are my friends now too) Dave and Annie. Dave and Annie have two of the cutes and sweetest little boys on the face of the planet. Dave and Annie don't have any family in town to help them with the move into the new Emmy and I volunteered to watch the boys for them. Little did we know that Em would be working late. But never fear...Cassie and Alaire are here. This is one of my new little friends... Handsome Danny. He has been to our house before. But not for an extended period without his Mom or Dad.
And did I mention that he LOVES Emmy (and Erika)? I know when Danny is here we will be building track and playing with Thomas The Tank Engine and all his friends from the Island of Sodor.
Danny is a good eater. He eats literally everything and anything you put in front of him. His Mom and Dad are good cooks from what I hear.

So his Mom and Dad are moving all his things into the yellow house. He is excited about that but all he wants to do is play with 'that girl', what he calls Alaire. And she in turn calls him that boy. But I think Alaire fell in love with Danny's little brother, Andrew. As we all did!
He has the cutest little smile and it is never the same. And what a ham bone! His little helmet matches his bright blue eyes perfectly. Hopefully he will only have to wear his helmet for a few more months.
Alaire could not keep her hands off of Andrew. Amd I must confess...neither could I!
And she was such a big help when it came to anything having to do with Andrew. I'm thinking that maybe Trevor and Cassie might be wanting to think about having her a little brother...she is such a big help and all. Michael has a nephew now all he needs is a niece. The boys even spent the night. We all did very well. There was a baby/ child in every bed and floor space available. All beds and couches were filled with the rest of us. I really did feel like the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe. Bring 'em on, the more the merrier.


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