Monday, March 29, 2010

sarah beth.that's as far as i've been able to get up to this point (sitting here staring at her name) because i'm not sure how to go about saying what i need to. many of you reading this are already aware. but to some of you it will be new, even though we've been expecting it. it's the entry i hoped never to make.sarah beth passed from this life to real life this morning around 6. she has looked into the eyes of her Jesus. without a doubt she has heard his voice tell her "well done", because she has truly been a good and a faithful servant of his. she has a new body. the human body that has restricted her so has been left behind. it could not hold her. weakness, labored breathing, seizures, fever, cancer cells, brain tumors...left behind as she flew to Jesus. my heart knows she smiled as she went to him. death could not hold her. she is free. FREE. "Death swallowed by triumphant Life! Who got the last word, oh, Death? Oh, Death, who's afraid of you now?"1 Corinthians 15:54thank you doesn't seem enough. we are grateful for the way you have carried sarah beth (and the rest of us) to God by your prayers. please continue to pray, especially for mark, kathleen, jeremy and jason in these times to come.

leigh ann

from sarah beth, october 18, 2007
"Where to even start? I have so much going through my mind and somehow am going to try to convey what is on my heart. I should go back to way back when i was a kid and life was just so simple. No worries, just living the life. So many memories. I have been truly blessed with so many things in my life that i have absolutely not one thing to complain about. There is so much truth in the word of God and I pray with all of my heart that if you don't know Jesus that you will at least open your heart to listen to His sweet voice. I can promise you that He will NEVER let you down. Things won't always be picture perfect, as my journey has shown you, but a heart that is full of joy and peace that can only be filled with the Lord Jesus is something that can never be fulfilled any other way. As my journey has shown you, there have been many times that I have struggled to feel God's presence and His love and yes, it has been very hard at times. However, the power of prayer and the living, active word of God will overcome those feelings every single time. I am a true testimony to that. Take these last few weeks for example. They have literally been a blur...I don't remember much. I have noticed a decline in my health. I am weak and move slower. I have had many questions with not a lot of answers.The word cancer can seem so scary sometimes, but to me it has become one of the greatest blessings of my life. I hope that all of you can experience the power of the the greatest love that has ever been and will ever be in existence today and forever: God's love."


Jan said…
Jan, Your family will remain in my thoughts. Now, Sara Beth will be in a much easier place.

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