Jump Zone Visit

We waited for Mark to have a day off so he could enjoy all the fun at the Jump Zone. He had worked all night. He came home and went straight to bed so he could get in a little rest. They troops were ready to jump wee early in the morning. Then they had to wait until 5PM to actually step foot on a jumping thing. We were worried that Alaire wouldn't have too much fun. Boy....were we ever wrong! She ran from one blow up to another. Keeping right up with the boys for about 45 minutes and then she hit the wall. I about cracked up on this one...seems that Michael is taking this roll as uncle to a new level. He walked right up to the girl 'running' the ride and told her that they would be going together because Ellis was his nephew had never been at JZ before and he was his uncle and Ellis needed to stay with him so he could show Ellis how to do the rides. What? So here goes Uncle Michael and NephewEllis up the roller coaster blow up. You climb up..slide down...make your way thru punching bags to do it all over again. Then out to the front where you parents/grandparents, aunt/sister and Mom/aunt are waiting with cameras.
See I told you...everyone waiting with cameras and holding our breath that he loved it. And I would say that he gave it a two thumbs up because he hit the floor running to the next place.
I figured, being the awesome Wammy that I am, why not throw in a little pizza dinner with Sprite for added fun. Michael kept watching the clock. And if I heard it once, I hear it a million times...Mom, when is the pizza going to be here?
Michael had sweat pouring off him. You could take you hand and run it down the back of his head and it felt like he had been in the shower. I didn't hear another word from him until he was full. And again, not to be outdone by the boys...Alaire ate three pieces of pizza! I don't know where she put it all. But she did actually eat three pieces of pepperoni pizza all by herself!
Okay, here is the deal...you write the little blurb about this picture and leave it in the comments... Looks like they all are having so much fun, doesn't it?


emmy said…
Um mom would you please get it right. It is not uncle Michael. His nickname is Uncle Mike! Yes, that is what he has been calling himself!

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