It Was Just A Matter of Time....

Cassie said she knew that Alaire would be the first one to make a trip to the hospital after about 4 days into Alaire's life. No truer words were even spoken!
Today, Emmy, Cassie and Alaire are making their first of many trips I am certain, to the ER for some stitches. This morning the kids were jumping on the couch. I asked them to stop. I told them to stop. Since 'the accident' that no one can explain how it one has even ventured to the ' kid cave' in the basement. Pappy was resting up for his all nighter tonight at work. I was sorting and putting away laundry. Michael and Ellis were playing with match box cars. Cassie and Emmy were playing Martha Stewart designing and sewing some dresses for Alaire when the bomb was dropped. Blood covered Cassie's cheek, Alaires' face, fingers, hair....pretty much every where.

I just got a text...they are at the hospital and probably won't be seem for about an hour. Just another Sunday afternoon around Home Sweet Home. Wait till I call Peep and tell him. We will tell Mamaw and Papaw after it is all over so they (she) doesn't worry. I can hear Peep laughing even before I call him.


Kathy said…
poor gal! did she get stitches?
We have a male version of Alaire

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