It Feels So Good

Today was absolutely the most gorgeous day. I got to work in the front yard for awhile ...Little Ms M took a great nap. Cassie, Ellis and Alaire help with a little bit of the hard work. You can check Cassie's blog to see just how hard Ellis and Alaire worked.

After afternoon naps, Emmy and Erika...the two best Nanny's on the planet, brought the kids over. It was like a regular preschool in the backyard. We played in the driveway. We learned to pump on the swings. We caught kids as they flew down the yellow slide. We had fun. Just look at all the smiles.

I had tons more pictures but when I sownloaded them to Picasa they decided to take a detour into the outer limits of the Internet and I haven't been able to find them yet. I will keep looking and maybe they will appear again.


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