Home and Garden Show

All the years that we have lived in Cincinnati I don't think we have ever actually gone to the Home and Garden Show. We have always talked about going but just never took the time to go. But today was our day. After lunch we loaded Michael up in the van and hit the Interstate for the 'big city'. Very first thing we saw from the window outside was a cake contest. Where does all this talent come from? These cakes should have been on Ace of Cakes. They were TOTALLY amazing. We bought a raffle ticket to help the Ronald McDonald house and voted for our favorite. This castle was Michael's pick. An added plus to seeing all the cakes and getting to vote was when you put your ticket in the box a really nice lady gave you a homemade chocolate turtle. If I had only had a fist full of dollars I could have been in turtle heaven. And he didn't even share the little turkey. On purpose I took no money. This was to be an idea finding mission. I wanted to find things that we could incorporate in our yard using recycled materials. And then I saw this...my dream of all dreams...a cute little greenhouse. And the light on the front is so vintage I can't stand it. I think the guy running this exhibit was really way ready for me to move on to something else. It looked good...I already know where I would put it. It felt so good...tough red cedar. And the smell..better that the pickle plantation Emmy, for sure. I planned the kind of flooring I would use. Michael said...'it's only in your dreams Mom.' I know. But can't a Mom dream? Mark found this little table. After the show for $90 you could take it home. Better yet, I'll just find some old boards and make one...for next to nothing. So Cincinnati friends...if you see or know of anyone tearing down a barn or old building, keep me in mind. Have truck, will travel! Speaking of traveling...I already know that some how, some way I will have this neat little rock edging along the front of the big back flower bed...hopefully before school is out. I also know that I can go across the river into Kentucky and pick rocks off the side of the road for free. They will arrest me in Ohio. So if you see a crazy woman in a black pick-up on the side of the road just off the bridge by Coney...that will be me...it would be nice if you stopped to help load the back of the pick-up with small flat rocks...about 500 of them I think will do the trick.

I am still looking for a plastic drum to make a rain barrel out of, some old picture frames, rocks, free flowers to a new yard...oh how my mind won't let me stop thinking of spring.

Next time you watch HGTV, look for my new friend, John Gidding of Curb Appeal: The Block. He was a speaker today at the show. All my pics of him turned out blurry. I don't know if I had it on the wrong setting or the camera was just shaking because I was so nervous.


Jan said…
That's a great way to get (steal) ideas! Love the photos. I, too, really like the light and the stone edging.
The Oakes said…
way cool green house!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
It isn't exactly stealing when they advertize that you can bring your camera. So I think I am safe there. But I have been known to.....
flowers said…
wow...Glad to know about the "Home and Garden Show" wish if you could share more information on it. I would love to make it to the event.
Love that green house. I just know you will find a way to get something like that. What kind of picture frames are you looking for?

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