Happy BIRTH Day, Carter

I'm waiting for a picture to post but couldn't wait to tell you the good news...Carter is here. From the information I got from his grand mother...he came in with a trip to the hospital in an ambulance. He weighs in at 6 pounds, 8 ounces...21 1/4 inches long. Born at 4:16AM via c-section...which was scheduled for April 1st. The little mister is in the special care nursery but is expected to be in his Mom's room a little later today. Julie is a little sore and exhausted. I am sure dad is exhausted too but I can almost bet he is already imagining their first fishing trip. Congratulations!
I can't wait to love on him! Tell the Big Sister I'll be waiting for her whenever she is able to come this week.


Sabrina said…
He weighs the same as Tristan at 1 month old and he is a month early! My scrawny boy. He's finally out of premie clothes and filling out newborn size,

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