From Love Your Guts

Saturday, March 13, 2010
sarah beth slept all night last night and most of the morning and afternoon today. she had some emotional moments today but was able to settle down and rest again. this afternoon, she had some awake time. several of us were with her and there was some reminiscing going on. her reactions and a few comments she threw into the conversations showed us that she remembers a lot of things. memories that made her smile, and that, more than a time or two, made her laugh. not a belly laugh of course..that takes energy she doesn't have - but a quiet laugh. and a laugh is a laugh, right? jeremy even got a wink from his sweet sister. it doesn't stop amazing me that we are being given moment after moment to cherish. even while sarah sleeps, the family and friends around her are bound more closely. joy in sorrow. laughter in grief. comfort from God - no one else could do this. every now and then i go back and read from sarah beth's entries from previous years. yesterday i landed on an entry she made in april 2008, surrounding a tragedy that took place in a family we love. she said:"When unspeakable tragedy happens and we are literally putting one foot in front of the other to make it through the day, believe in the One who can and remember this verse:"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. ~Matthew 11:28-29 one foot in front of the other. walking through what life brings. but never ever having to walk through it alone. Jesus never leaves us. and we are here for each other. thank you that you walk through with us and for the blessing of your faithfulness in prayer. please continue to pray for sarah beth's comfort. and for rest for mark and kathleen.

I talk or text with Leigh Ann or Kathleen everyday. The tesxts are short and to the point...Sarah Beth is tired and weak but she fights on. I spent most of the night talking to God about her and her sweet Mom and Dad and those stinky brothers, her quiet Papaw and the friends that have been so faithful to care. She shines from the Hospice House. I can't imagine how many lives she has touch just by being who she is and living her faith that she feels so deeply day after day no matter what that day may be for her. We are witnessing something special. Sarah Beth we love you more than you will ever know. It is just so hard to begin to let go.


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