A Gift

Friday, March 19, 2010

sarah beth began her friday like she ended her
thursday. kathleen said sarah had a rough night-
had some severe coughing spells that were hard on
her. she slept most of the morning but after her
bath she opened her eyes. kept them open for quite
a while. we aren't sure how focused her vision is
at this point, but she did follow us with her eyes
at times, especially her mom, dad and brothers. it
was wonderful to see her beautiful eyes, even
tired and worn as they are appearing. julie and
hutch had their little ones there for a bit today.
kathleen asked sarah if she'd like to see the
babies and to that, she gave one definite hard
blink. so in the babies and gracie came, gracie
singing her abc's and "the sun'll come out
tomorrow.." for aunt sarah beth. so sarah, though
not able to talk right now, was still
communicating with us in the ways that she could
manage. we even saw a raised eyebrow a time or
two. the indicators of her physical decline are
still present. but this extended time of
wakefulness and a few others like it gave us
moments of joy. there were more smiles in that
room today. God gave this to us. He is the giver
of every good and perfect gift (james 1:17 says
so) and this was a good, good gift.
your prayers continue to mean everything to us

thank you.

leigh ann

"You know, this hasn't been the easiest walk of
life, but it's the only one I want...one that is
completely sacrficed for the will of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Thank you for all your prayers and kindness
towards me and my family. May God bless you for
your graciousness." - sarah beth, august 12, 2008


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