A Family's Request

Monday, March 15, 2010

sarah beth's today was much like yesterday. sleeping a lot of the time, but occasionally opening her eyes and communicating a little. her whispers were quieter today, but she still seems to be able to get her point across. "i love you, too" is an easy lip-read. as far as i know, the only time she was agitated was when she had her bath. it hurts her to be moved. her face was more pale today and she had dark circles under her eyes. but she is still one of the most beautiful sights we've ever seen. our family has a favor to ask of you who are reading this, and who have been reading sarah beth's words for some time now. we would love to know how sarah has touched your life - the impact her cancer journey and walk with Christ has had on you personally. not to bring glory to sarah beth -that is not our desire - because without question, all glory belongs to the Lord. but in knowing some of what God has been able to accomplish through sarah's suffering, there would be joy. for her, while she is still with us to hear what you relate, and for our family in the times to come. especially for mark, kathleen, jeremy and jason. we know that there are countless people who have followed her blog since her diagnosis in 2005. it would be so precious to have a glimpse of the work God has been doing in you through her as she has served him with all she has.if you would like to share with us, please send your message in an email to sbnloveyourguts@gmail.com ...if you wish for what you say to be held in confidence among our family only, please let me know. thank you for considering doing this for us.please continue praying. and if you're at a loss for words when you are praying, don't worry about that. the Lord knows our hearts and yours. He is so fully aware of what is best for sarah beth. and He will do that.

with our love and gratitude,
leigh ann


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