EMPS #82

It's a pretty simple one for this week folks... just grab your camera and say GOODBYE WINTER or HELLO SPRING! Show us what you enjoy the most about either season, or maybe even show us a picture that you feel accurately illustrates the changing seasons. If you don't happen to live in a place that experiences great fluxes in the seasons, then simply show us something representational of the season, such as a flower for spring or snow for winter.

Extra Credit: Show me something cold to represent winter or something warm to represent spring.
I had to go back in the archives to find this one. My Dad gave me a bunch of Naked Lady bulbs one year. I planted them everywhere in the yard. Anxious for them to come up the next spring I looked. I waited. I looked some more and this is all I found. One stinkin Naked Lady, or Surprise Lilly as Betsy calls them. So in this shot I see spring trying so very hard to push thru winter. Or maybe winter hanging on for dear life. This year we have a bazillion Naked Ladies coming up. Yea!

This Monday Photo Shoot assignment ends next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET. As always, you have until that time to get your photo, upload it to your blog, journal or website and comeback here with the link back to it. Please leave the full link in the comment thread of this entry, and make sure the link you leave is both accurate, and goes back to an entry which is specific to this week's photo shoot assignment. A general link to your site won't do, and NO HYPERLINKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Also, please include a link to this assignment so folks who read your journal will be able to play along with us.

Click Here to see what everyone came up with.


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