Crossing My Fingers

A blog friend in CA, Jan, has a daughter, Carrie, that has a design company SweetFaerieDesigns. She is giving away a blog makeover....I need to win...bad. Really bad! Why you might ask? Well, so many of you (mostly family members) say that there are too many flower/yard shots on this blog. They get sick of looking at flowers. So I have been throwing around the idea of starting yet another blog...something with a catchy little title about DIY yard art. So, back to Carrie. She is giving away a blog design makeover. How sweet would that be! So go visit her site and maybe you might want to enter...but don't...less chances for me to win if you do.
FYI...our blog header was designed by Carrie. I think I still might owe her a windchime. Getting right on that Carrie...sorry.


Thanks Wammy... and no, I have your windchime out back right now... it lost a knife this winter, but it's hangin' in there.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Oh good. That was a close one! We lost a few forks this winter. As soon as the mud dries up I guess I'll have to climb the tree and restring and rehang the ones that were damaged. Oh well, a good excuse to be climbing a tree.

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