Chasing Winter Away

I had a few extra monents today to get outside and rake a little of winter away and look what I found...

I like this shot because it show the remnants of winter and the rebirth of spring. I didn't even know there were any crocus planted here. I guess I will have to tank the squirrels for that one.

This is probably the first crocus to show it's colors.

As I am sitting on the patio soaking up some of that warm spring sunshine, I spied a peeper. Trying to hide behind all that green are you?

I'm calling this my peeper shot. Again, had no idea there was a naked lady (get it..peeper) in this bed. I'm not complaining at all. I love it when either I can't remember where I planted things or the animals/kids help plant things.

This morning when I was walking to eh compost pile I saw the first of the sedum. When I went to get the camera to take a closer look I found a little bit of rain water had collected at the bottom of the petal. It was sparkling in the sun. I love it when it does that!

This is me trying to be all creative and artsy with a shot. Trying to get the little sedum focused and the other in front a little out of focus by using the thingy that moves the focus to other parts of the shot. I know, I'm not very photo lingo savy.


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