A Change of Scenery

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

after much thought, discussion and prayer, the decision was made for sarah beth to go to the hospice house for her care. she made the move this afternoon and was all tucked in when we went to see her. it's a very homey and restful environment. from her room, she has a nice view of the ohio river and the bridge. they'll be able to get some fresh air there too, with the doors to the porch open. hopefully this will be a peaceful place for sarah beth and for her mom, dad and brothers.she was tired when we were there, a little groggy from her medicine, but she was talking to us and smiling. she said she thought it was silly that she had to ride in an ambulance to move there. kate asked how else she would've gotten there and sarah said, "walk with my walker."...we all grinned at that. she's nothing if not determined. =)God has sarah beth poised to bless a whole new set of people in her new surroundings. as you're praying for sarah and for our family, pray for these people as well - as they care for her and for the napiers, and as she shares herself with them.
so grateful for your prayers,
leigh ann


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