A Very Special Delivery

A few days ago I was reading a blog that I love and came upon something very special. It may not rock your boat but it is something that I have been looking for, for a long time. Let me back up. When Sarah Beth's grandmother was involved in a fatal car accident someone sent a wheat weaving to Popaw Creasy. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. If I remember right there was some sort of poem or saying that went with it. Something like the message comes from the heart. We should always remember to share blessings with the ones we love. I left a comment at the end of the blog and it wasn't anytime until I got an email from Susan saying she would send me a heart wheat weaving for Sarah Beth and her family. As you can see it came today and I love it. The girls will be going to Huntington on Saturday. And they will deliver it to Kathleen and Sarah Beth.
Thank you Lynn for all the creative ideas contained in your blog. And Susan, you are the best! Thank you for sending the package Priority Mail so it would be here for this weekend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


miss lynn said…
i am so SO
happy, just
really thrilled
that we were
able to bring
some joy to you
in these painful

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