One Day Old

Hey everybody, I'm officially one day old. Man, was yesterday a long day for everyone! I'm here and doing fine. Had a little bit of a rough start but then the angels took over and I seem to be okay. Thank you Jesus!
This big guy never left my side. He didn't sleep for two days. He made sure that my O2 was going into my lung to help it get better. Doesn't he look like all the nurses and doctors that are taking care of me? I know he is my Dad because I remember his voice talking to me while I was in my Mom's tummy. I don't know if I will be able to get a picture of her or not. Her tummy hurts just a little bit right now and it is hard for her to move around and things. Maybe next week when I get home to my new house. I can't wait to see that puppy and meet my Mamaw and Papaw.


The Oakes said…
What will Tristan call Uncle Terry and Aunt Lisa?
Ellis said…
We have decided to be Pappy and MiMi (not sure how to spell this yet). We think these names are very fitting.

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