On Step Ahead

I'm ready for spring. Not that I don't love the snow and you know that I love it, but I am ready to see some green stuff in the yard. I know where there is green there soon will be an explosion of color in the yard. That is what I can't wait to see. I want to see dirt under my fingernails. I want to be dead dog tired that I can hardly drag myself to the shower. I want to smell like the compost bin...then I know I have put in a good days work in the yard. I want sunburned shoulders. I want salty sweat burning in my eyes. I was to argue with Mark about what we are planning to do with the left side of the yard. I want to complain about the deer eating all the flowers in the garden. I want to share vegetables with my neighbors. I want to sit under the pergola and sip sweet tea. I want to swat flies. I want to listen to the water in the fountains as it hits the rocks and rolls off. I just want spring! My sweet Valentine knowing all of this brought home a little greenhouse that I can place in front of the sliding glass doors until it can go outside. He even brought violets to make it look nice. We have strawberry plants growning. We even have a herb garden that is starting to sprout. So Old Man Winter...bring it on...because spring in the house!


Jan said…
Ah, what a sweet gift. He knows you well.
The Oakes said…
I bet your two little buddies are going to love getting into that!
Anonymous said…
And what did you gett your Valentine?

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