My Special Visitors

I got to meet my very nervous Gramps today. Just so happens he works in the hospital where I was born. That makes things really nice...he can pop in anytime any day. I love my Gramps.
I know what you are thinking...'this can't be the grandmother.' When in fact, it certainly is and I am going to call her Granny, so I am told. Bet you can't guess where she works...yep, the same hospital. So I pretty much have met everyone. But I hear that I have a set of Great Grandparents on the Ellis side that haven't met yet. Hopefully when I get home and some of the snow melts, they will be able to visit. And then I hear that there is the crazy lady, my great aunt Jan and her whole family that live in Cincinnati...all except for cousin Cassie and her family that live in CO. Someday I will get to meet all of them. There are relatives all over the place, CA, WI, and who knows where else. I'm good with all of that...can't wait to see them all.


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