It Just Had To Be

Cassie might have point with her comment..."you need to tell people the story behind it."

I got a call from my friend Betsy who knows me pretty well. She said that she had read an article in the weekly newspaper that The Observatory was having a snow sculpture contest...all things space related.

Here's the article, Ive retyped it for you right from the newspaper

As flakes fell furiously Monday, the Cincinnati Observatory announced its first
snow sculpture contest. "My wife and I were walking around our neighborhood and
noticed that there were only two snowmen," said Craig Niemi, executive director
of the observatory at 3489 Observatory Place. "We want to encourage the kids
and their families to get our and enjoy nature in a fun and astro-centric way."
Snow sculptures could take the form of stars, planets, eelescopes, astronomers
or astronauts. The contest is open to children 14 or younger, whose parents
must authorize e-mailing a photo of their cration along with their name, age,
school, grade, address, telephone number and email address. Photos should be
emailed to
The winner will be announced March 1. The prize is a one year family membership
to the observator, which includes an invitation to all Friends of the
Observatory activities, a monthly e-newsletter and a 10 percent discount at the
gift shop.

There you have it - get sculpting!
Betsyco :-)

I thought we might be able to make an astronaut. I forgot about it until I was eating lunch watching the birds outside and I saw this little alien looking thing in the backyard. So after the girls were picked up and before Michael and Luke got off the bus, I dug thru the front closet to find our snowman stuff and then I trudged through snow literally past my knees to add the face to our alien. I took a picture and sent it into the contest. Maybe this weekend we will try the astronaut.


The Oakes said…
you need to tell people the story behind it.

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