Winter Wishes

I haven't had much time to blog between shoveling and watching the Olympics. I did manage to get out this morning without a shovel or snow blower in my hands to get some pictures of, lets just call it whispers of warmer weather.
dreamin of complaining of smoke getting in my eyes, sucking s'mores off my fingers, all my clothes smelling of smoke...

oh, my old green chairs. Sitting in the sun watching the girls run on the driveway, feeling that hot metal on bare legs, the boys using them in the obstacle course...

Ella favorite place to run...with all of us chasing behind her trying to catch her, little ones learning how to ride two-wheelers, seeing neighbors walking their dogs that you haven't seen all winter...

roses getting a head start on life in our yard.....ones from the youth group transplanted from WI, a twig from one of Bety's rose bushes, a twig from somewhere I walked by one day, red, pink and bright fuchsia...

potting table again filled with knives, forks and spoons to be made into wind chimes, plants from WV that need to be planted, yesterday...and the chair somewhere in the yard as an interesting focal point...


Jan said…
My, oh, my. I guess that's what happens when you live in Ohio. Carrie has snow, too, in NC. We have 80 degree weather. (Sorry.)
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
Nathan said…
i love how you wrote---describing each area of summer memories and viewing the snow in the pics. i let my imagination run wild -enivisioning each memory you would paint with your neat!

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